Security Consulting Services

Our Firm

Narrow Security

Narrow Security delivers security consulting services, including penetration testing, risk assessments, vulnerability assessments, PCI, GDPR and forensic analysis.

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Executive Security Consulting Services

“Better be safe than sorry”, Narrow Security provides certified and incomparable security consultancy to small, medium and big companies along with individuals.  

“Better be safe than sorry”, it’s a famous saying for everything you are planning to do. Security of your organization is the key component in planning and running the operations. Narrow Security provides certified and incomparable security consultancy to small, medium and big companies along with individuals.   

We follow the international standard procedure of security consulting which includes, 

  • Distinguishing and evaluating existing security dangers
  • Gain access to information security executives
  • Assessment of threats, and security parameters
  • Providing prompt solutions for immediate security hazards

Our certified, competent and highly trained security consultants provide flawless expertise in, 

  • Client meeting with an expert security advisor
  • Senior and junior staff interviews
  • Composed assessment of your current security administrations and activity ventures for development
  • Full Risk appraisal and investigation of your office
  • Full suggestions and implementable targets
  • Groundbreaking strategies and their execution
  • Strategy and method improvement
  • Security Guard post requests and guidelines
  • Crisis preparation and emergency course of action